Thursday, August 19, 2010

Still here

So, I'm still here.  I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but we are having issues with the power.  I hope to have everything ready and back up in a week!  I have some really cute things to post.  Buggy and I made goo one day, and she just loved it!  She played with it for over an hour.  :)  Miss Crazy O had her shots and is just coming out of that funk.  :(  Poor little thing.  We have to take her back to the docs for a weight check.  She's a little on the small side, but still ever so feisty. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you couldn't come play today. Little K never wakes up from her nap like she did; I think she was so excited because I told her you guys were coming to play. So I just explained about Miss O not feeling well, and she seemed fine. I had all the diapers laid out on the floor, and K got into them right before bed, so now they are all jumbled up in a big bag! He he! One thing I won't get to demo for you is the diaper sprayer. You'll have to see that one day or just take my word for it how awesome it is. :-) See you Sunday!
