Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tiny Bubbles

If I could, I would drink Champagne every day.  It can dress any day/occasion up.  It's fun to do with an ordinary activity, such as bowling. The possibilities are endless!  Adding fruit, drinking it with juice at breakfast, or late at night with chocolate are just some of my favorite ways to enjoy champagne.  There is something about those tiny bubbles that make it fabulous.  People perk up and know a good time is coming with this drink.  It's a little fancy, fun, and tasty!  I, myself, am indulging in a glass of this sophisticated fun tonight.  So, bottoms up and cheers to you my friend!

1 comment:

  1. Can't say I'll be joining you. Champagne is not my thing! But I wouldn't turn down a banana daiquiri. :-)
