Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5 months already!

Today our Miss Crazy O is 5 months!  It seems like yesterday I was going to find out what we were having when I was admitted to the hospital.  They found that my cervix was open and took me up to L&D and I dilated from a 1 to a 5 (with no pain mind you).  It was the first time I left Buggy in the little daycare for the hospital.  I didn't even get to say good-bye to her because she would have cried.  I had to sneak out.  :(  So, they admitted me.  My hubby came and had to pick up Buggy, but because of the H1N1 bug going around I wasn't able to see her.  Children under the age of 18 couldn't come into parts where patients were.  Keep in mind all of this is happening the Tuesday before Turkey Day.  I was in the L&D side for 2 nights.  The first night my water broke---but just a small leak.  They told us that our baby was going to be born @ 21 weeks and not make it.  I was just in a loss for words and feelings at that point.  After being "stable" with no other leaks or anything they moved me to where I'd be for the next 95 days.  Yup, that's right, 95 days without going home!  I was on my back for the next 3 weeks.  There were two nurses who gave me my first bath since being in on Thanksgiving.  I remember laying there I really here, is this really going on.  What a world of diff it was to have clean hair though!  They were great spirit lifters.  :)  Because I was on my back with feet above my head, I had to use a bedpan.  For those of you who have never seen one or used one, I think it's pretty awful.  :(  I hated calling the nurses in for it and then them having to empty it out.  Talk about embarrassing!  As time went on I got some steroids for the babies lungs.  The docs and nurses all couldn't believe I was still here.  We made it through Christmas (with the nurses sneaking Buggy in to see me for the first time as my gift from them).  Then came New Years, My Birthday, Hubbie's birthday, and Valentine's day.  I asked every day if I could go home or get a weekend pass.  As my pregnancy was progressing, the docs would give me more privileges.  It went from sitting in bed to standing and walking to the bathroom by myself, walking in my room, showering, walking to the nurses station, walking on my ward, wheeling around my floor, and wheeling around the hospital with supervision (if I had a visitor).  I grew to love my new family (nurses and docs).  You learned which ones you loved to draw your blood and talk to, and which days you'd spend more in your room.  If another lady on the floor was going home or they were c-sec-ing the baby I would get very upset and protest by staying in my room!  My new family would let me sleep in the mornings, ordered pizza one night, watched the Superbowl with me, watch Lost with me, make packets on  slow weekends, thew me a birthday party and baby shower.  :)  They were great!  I got to 36 weeks and the docs said I could go home for a week, but still be on strict bed rest, and come back to have the baby @ 37 and 1.  So, that's what I did.  It was bitter sweet going home.  Leaving all of my new friends behind but, oh, the freedom of home.  I would get to see Buggy, my mom (helping), hubby, and two fur babies.  I could eat what I wanted and not choice A or choice B.  :)  I went back the next week to have my little baby.  While in the waiting room I went into labor, I kid you not!  The whole time in this hospital and nothing, but now the day of, she wants to come out on her own.  :)  We're so blessed to have made it through everything with a healthy little girl.  I will sure never forget the time I spent, memories made, and new friends.  I am very thankful for our little miracle baby!


  1. It certainly was a miraculous time. We all worried about you so much. Buggy was a trooper (I almost wrote her name! Oops!). K and I got to meet all of your family that was helping out during that time, and we went to your house and played with Buggy. Well, sort of, since K couldn't really play with other kids that well yet. I was so happy when Baby O was born. What an amazing story you will have to tell her when she's older.

  2. hello, I just followed for you - so now you have more than 10 - yay! I'm still totally new to to blogging too, but loving connecting with mums all over the world, you will too. Am looking forward to more updates...please check out my blogs (I know CRAZY: 2 blogs for 2 businesses) @ and Have a nice day, Jane:)

  3. Oh what a great story! I am so glad your sweet little girl decided to stay in a little while longer and that they were able to take care of you and her. Your story is very touching. Congrats on your little one! Both of your girls are adorable! :)

    I am following you back from

  4. What a blessing. I'm your newest follower from Friday blog hop. I wanted to stop in and say hi. You have two beautiful girls.

    Life of This SAHM
